Wednesday, May 1, 2013

General Election 2013

This coming 5th May 2013 will be the 13rd general election of Malaysia. This is an exciting moment all malaysian waiting for every 4years. This is the only chance that malaysian can decide which government they want for the next 4years.

However, this is the first time i feel such a strong feeling that Barisan Nasional are starting to lose. Ever since 308 where BN lost the sit of Northern region, i start seeing the light of changing government. The closer the date of election, the more hateful i felt for BN, seeing all the flag, banner, TV advertisement and talk they organized. The money they used and wasted will be the income tax we paid.

I just hope to change the government this time no matter what it take. Although, i do agreed that Pakatan Rakyat do not have the experince to rule the country but they have the heart to fight corruption. This is the most important thing that most malaysian want.

Now fighting BN is like fighting UMNO. MCA and MIC already long gone since last election, both of them are history to us after this. So, who care? Crush UMNO, change government! I support Pakatan Rakyat.

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