Sunday, May 12, 2013

Steps To Follow When You Are Planning To Have A Baby

Well, to have a baby is not easy. You need to be financially and psychological ready for this task. Otherwise, your life will be miserable. Nowaday, people who are living in KL tend to marry late, have late childbirth and few of them do not even want to have a baby. Anyhow, everyone have their own preference and i respect them.

Some people may think that baby can give u more trouble that u can imagine but all this thought will  be blew away eveytime you look at the baby face. Its so adorable and you cannot deny baby is the one who bring new excitement into your life

To cut the story short, these are the things that u need to do before you engage into pregnancy:
  1. Medical check up and vitamin supplement
  2. Financial planning
  3. Shopping list for mother and baby
  4. Find a obstetrician and follow up
  5. Decide on mode of delivery and look for a paediatrician
  6. Delivery
  7. Partenal leave
  8. Confinement lady
  9. Baby sitter
All these steps will require energy, time and money. Having said that, financial affordability still the most important factor.

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